* Fr. Todd Anderson
* Fr. John Bourbeau
* Fr. Daniel Dailey
* Fr. Séan Patrick Gerrity
* Fr. Michael John Goshie
* Fr. Raphaël Granges
* Fr. Patrick Sean Mackin
* Fr. Shane Carlo Pezzutti
* Fr. Thomas Aquinas, OSB

Maps, Keys, and Clocks is a blog where yours truly posts compositions, poses questions, links to news articles, expresses opinions, meanders his way through accounts of personal experiences, and relates humorous anecdotes. A collection of reflections on everyday moments with a philosophical or historical lens. Topics include culture, religion, history, philosophy, economics, education, politics, art, music, and literature.
Great news also for St. Thomas More Church here in Florida. Our priest announced today that in August we will have a priory! Deo Gratias!
How can i contact or where i can find michael john goshie?
Afraid I don't know where Fr. Goshie is at the moment.
Fr. Goshie has a mission to St. Therese's in Anchorage Alaska on the fourth Sunday of the month. You can go to: www.sspx.org for contact info. Good luck!
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