Monday, August 4, 2008

Collective Nouns in Space

The traditional collective nouns can be interesting enough. Consider:
* a sloth of bears,
* a murder of crows,
* a mob of kangaroos,
* a parliament of owls, etc.

But what about the
collective nouns for space critters?

Here's something to get the warp coils revved:

* a pinch of Vulcans,
* a force of Jedi,
* a toast of Cylons,
* a scarf of Whos, etc.

Feel free to add your own.


Anonymous said...

You truly are a geek! :-)

Perhaps a family renunion in which Jabba was a participant could be quantified as a mass of Hutts?


Sean said...

I resemble that remark.

A mass of Hutts is good -- it reflects Jabba's morbid obesity. A chain of Hutts could work too. :-)