In the south of India, a few miles from the SSPX Priory in Palayamkottai, is an orphanage served by the SSPX. This house, also a home for the elderly, was founded in 2000 by Sister Mary of the Immaculate when she was still a laywoman. After the orphanage's founder became a religious Sister, the orphanage has been under the care of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Vigne di Narni situated north of Rome, Italy.
Generous souls who are so inclined can help the orphanage by contacting:
Soeurs Consolatrices du Sacré-Coeur
via Flaminia Vecchia, 20
05030 Vigne di Narni (TR)
Good folk can also help this worthy traditional Catholic charity via the web site
The Orphan Ride web site follows the travels two American brothers -- Andrew and Randall Leese -- who are bicycling around the world as a fundraiser to raise awareness of the orphanage. There is no overhead for this fundraiser -- from the web site: "every cent of the proceeds will benefit the Servi Domini Orphanage. Andrew and Randall are covering travel costs on their own coin. The two will make a stop at the orphanage en route and spend a month or more lending a hand..." So far their efforts have raised $30,808.

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