Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gunman who Attacked FRC Worked for LGBT Group


A politicially-motivated domestic terrorist tried to shoot up the socially conservative Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters. He was stopped by security guards, one of whom was shot in the process.

From the article: "Gunman Floyd Corkins II from Herndon, Va., had been working with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community center for six months, according to The Associated Press."

Not surprisingly, this fact -- along with the fact that ther incident even happened -- is receiving only anemic media attention.

The gunman also had what are being described as "Chick-fil-A promotional materials" in his backpack. Chick-fil-A had given the FRC a $1,000 donation in the past; as a result, the Souther Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reported that Chick-fil-A supports a "hate group."

Did the SPLC put the cross-hairs on the FRC for Corkins? I think it's a fair question.

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