Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Rubicon Recall

My car was in the shop this morning getting a factory-recall upgrade. While I was waiting for my vehicle, I observed a Rubicon jeep parked at the shop.

I was reminded of a trip I made some 20 years ago to attend a friend's wedding in Winnipeg.

During my stay in the Great White North, I rented a Rubicon jeep, which I used to zip around the city for extra-curricular sight-seeing.

The Red River flows through the center of Winnipeg, and I took the Norwood Bridge over that waterway several times during my visit.

On one such passage I mused, "When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the fields of Rome ran red with the blood of civil war. Now here I am crossing the Red River in my Rubicon jeep."

Which goes to show that if a little knowledge of history is not necessarily a practical thing, at times it can at least be mildly amusing.

 Photo of the Rubicon I spotted this morning

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