Thursday, April 17, 2014

Modern Polytheism

Modern Polytheism holds that one ought to accept everyone's personal truth on the grounds that said truths are sincerely held - and this in spite of the contradictions between the many personal truths. Diversity is to be celebrated, not strictly examined, and certainly not reconciled.

A corollary to this is that one should exclude considerations of revealed knowledge on the grounds that truths rooted in external agents cannot ever be genuinely one's own. Also, the many contradictions between those who claim divine inspiration is deemed sufficient proof in support of the premise.

Instead, one should rely primarily on reason. The many contradictions between those who appeal to reason, meanwhile, are no argument against said reliance.

If this seems like a contradiction or a case of special pleading - well, the modern polytheist will say, that's just your own truth; don't bother inflicting it on others.

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