Saturday, July 16, 2011

Daring Proposal -- for the 50th Anniversary of V2

The Italian philosopher Enrico Maria Radaelli, a disciple of the author of Iota unum, Romano Amerio, proposes that on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council the pope should be asked respectfully to perform the “only act that could reconcile the teaching and doctrine given by the Church before and after that disastrous assembly. This unique, heroic and very humble act would be to bring close to the supernatural fire of dogma those doctrines that are regarded as wrong by Traditionalist Catholics, and also those doctrines that are opposed to them: what must burn will burn, and what must shine brightly will shine. We have more than three years ahead of us from now until 2015. We must use them as well as possible.” For in order to rebuild the Church, he adds, “the ecumenical council, Vatican II, must be read through the lens of Tradition with the blazing boldness of dogma.” That is why he hopes that “this anniversary might be for the highest Throne the best occasion to restore the divine munus docendi (the magisterial commission) in its fullness.”

What Professor Radaelli demands is in keeping with the profound hopes of the Society of St. Pius X. It is necessary that this council be judged in the light of dogma, this council that claimed to be simply pastoral but very quickly presented itself as a dogmatically pastoral council, demanding in fact the obedience due to dogmas. For, in reality, Vatican II conveys dogmas that do not speak their name. Dogmas that are not defined but expect to be followed with docility.

- Fr. Alain Lorans

1 comment:

Dolorosa said...

We have to pray daily for the Pope. He is surrounded by many enemies and remarked sometime ago: "Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves ."