Friday, October 15, 2010

40 Years of SSPX

I'm in Kansas City this weekend attending the 40th anniversary conference of the SSPX.

One celebrates birthdays because it is good to be alive; similarly, one celebrates anniversaries to commemorate a happy event -- in this case, the foundation of the Society of St. Pius X. This ex-atheist now entertains a good hope of Heaven, and the SSPX is the entity used by Almighty God to bring that change about. In gratitude, then, for the graces brought through the Society, I'm attending the conference. In a world that wants to see the Gospel silence and the Faith given by Jesus Christ to the world through his Apostles, I'm glad to support this public manifestation of the light shining in darkness; to be edified by the examples and company of the holy people present; to be renewed in my efforts to fight the good fight.

Merci, monsignor.

1 comment:

Long-Skirts said...


In the ballroom

In hotel

Souls aligned

'Gainst gates of Hell

Souls aligned

For forty years

'Gainst diabolical

Hierarchical tiers

'Gainst the novel

'Gainst the grain

'Gainst the Rhine

Who sought to reign

'Gainst the draining

Of the Tibre

'Gainst the wolves

In sheepskin fibre

'Gainst anathema


'Gainst authentic


'Gainst pale priests

'Gainst mad mitres

Mother's militant

Church fierce fighters

In the ballroom

In hotel

Souls aligned

To thank Marcel

Souls aligned

For forty years

Way of the Cross

Way of the tears

Way of the Cross

Forty days of fast

Forty years in the desert

The die was cast

The die was cast

You and me or for any?

A traditional-forty

Not for all but for many!!