Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Standing up to Bullies


Australia's Cardinal Pell told an audience at Oxford University that there is a growing culture of suppression among secularist governments that is using the doctrine of "tolerance and diversity" to ostracize Christians from public life.

This goal has been widely achieved through anti-discrimination legislation, His Eminence said. The most morally permissive groups have become politically repressive of opposition, despite their rhetoric of "diversity and tolerance."

Cardinal Pell warned that modern secularist liberalism, far from its origins in classical political liberalism, now "has strong totalitarian tendencies" and is oriented towards a heavy-handed statism.

One of the "crucial tasks" of Christians in the 21st century, the cardinal said, is to confront the "secular and religious intolerance of our day...regularly and publicly."

The cardinal's politically incorrect address can be read here.

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