It is not by class struggle that justice can be re-established, but by preaching the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, "The Mystery of Jesus"
Christ is our doctrine, it is He who teaches us. Christ us our master, it is from Him that we learn. Christ is our school, in Him we learn. Because Christ is the one and only messenger, the light on all questions, He has the key to all human problems. Our world must relearn how to know the one to whom it owes all that it is. It is necessary to speak to it of Our Lord Jesus Christ over and over without tiring. If the world knows Him in His doctrine and His works, it will rediscover in Him the Lord and master whom false guides and unworthy pastors have made it forget.And so helped to return to the source of all goods,it will find once again the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
- St. Louis de Montfort, "The Love of Eternal Wisdom"