Monday, July 27, 2020

King Richard in Hagia Sophia

In February NPR ran an audio story titled "The Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia."

You get a sense for what it was like praying in the 6th century in one of the world's largest Catholic churches.

The story is worth a listen at

Listen with good speakers or headphones. You'll get chills.

Richard the Lionheart at Mass in Hagia Sophia
by Gaspare Fossati (1849)


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Justice for Society

It is not by class struggle that justice can be re-established, but by preaching the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, "The Mystery of Jesus"

Christ is our doctrine, it is He who teaches us. Christ us our master, it is from Him that we learn. Christ is our school, in Him we learn. Because Christ is the one and only messenger, the light on all questions, He has the key to all human problems. Our world must relearn how to know the one to whom it owes all that it is. It is necessary to speak to it of Our Lord Jesus Christ over and over without tiring. If the world knows Him in His doctrine and His works, it will rediscover in Him the Lord and master whom false guides and unworthy pastors have made it forget.And so helped to return to the source of all goods,it will find once again the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
- St. Louis de Montfort, "The Love of Eternal Wisdom"

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Saints and the Incarnation

The honor paid to the Saints as servants of God does not detract from the glory of their Master, Our Lord Jesus Christ. As the Members of Christ, the Saints are but the consequence and development of that which is due to Christ their Head. The Church owes it to her Spouse, Jesus, to make a protest against the narrow view of those who would deny the honor due the saints. These protests would lessen the glory of the Incarnation, because denying the Saints denies the grandest consequences of the Incarnation.

- paraphrased from The Liturgical Year by Abbot Dom Gueranger